Omega Centaurus
"No spikes here" Astro-Physics 305mm F3.8 Riccardi-Honders Astrograph.
Paramount PME
"Artifact free" SBIG STX16803, self guide mode. RGB 5:5:5 minutes
FW5-STX with (Big Mother) Baader Planetarium 65mm square filters.
Mounting plates by Losmandy-Hollywod General Machining.
Capture with CCDops, Reduction MaxIm CCD, Touch-up Photoshop CS5.5
Focusing system: *hairy eyeball and steady right hand.
Operating system Windows XP-Pro 64
Processor by Intel.
Single Malt Scotch by Laphroaig.
(*hairy eyeball....Aussie slang for view with skepticism :) )