IC 434 (the Horse-head Nebula )
The above image was awarded the 2015 CWAS/Dalid Malin
Photo Editor's Prize for Deep Sky Photography.
Astro-Physics 305mm F3.8 Honders Astrograph.
The Honders design has essentially perfect color correction from 400 to 1000 nanometers (UV to IR)
and is fully corrected for all 5 Seidel aberrations (spherical, coma, astigmatism, field curvature and distortion)
as well as longitudinal and lateral chromatic aberration.
SBIG STX16803, FW5, Baader 65mm Ha+LRGB filters . Self guide mode.
Paramount PME.
The above data was captured through the light pollution of Southern Sydney, Australia.
Copyright Peter J Ward 2014.