International Space Station (ISS)
transiting the Sun in H-alpha light.
November 19th 2023
This is my fourth ISS successful transit image of the Sun,
which requied about an hour's
drive from my home
to be on the predicted centerline (see below).
Kudos to the ISS transit finder Website which predicted the transit
to within a second of the actual event.
The image was taken near Penrtih lakes at 1:53.25 pm AEST (GMT+11)
The temperature climbed to 33C degrees hence the seeing was not ideal.
and taxed the camera's internal cooling beyond its limits.
That said, the exposure time of 1/1000 of a second was sufficiently
short to freeze the motion of the ISS which crossed the solar disk in
just over 1/2 a second.
The Space X Dragon module can be seen attached
to the space station.
Below Magnified crop of the ISS image
Astro-Physics AP130GTX + AP BARCON
Astro-Physics Mach 2 Mount + Losmandy G-8 tripod
Coronado 90mm Double-stack etalons + BF30 (Beloptik ITF)
Best of 2000 frames Autostakkert
Copyright Peter J Ward 2023